Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Sweet 100: Day 140

It's been 4 months and 20 days. It's well into the fall, and winter shall come any time.

It's the first day I've harvested a dozen of cherry tomato fruits in one go.

They are red, round, and most importantly sweet!

Don't get me wrong. The green seedling is no cherry tomato. It's my newly planted ginger!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Sweet 100 has fallen down

It's the monsoon season.

Strong wind has been blowing non-stop. Day and night. My cherry tomato plants were the victim. Especially the one on the right - the younger one.

Last night, it was blown by the wind so much that it toppled over onto its neighbor. The plant, the rig, and the container - toppled over as a whole. It was a scary scene.

The plants were top-heavy, especially the younger one. As soon as as put the plant back upright, I cut as many upper branches as possible while trying to minimize on losing the green and unripe cherry tomatoes. After the hair-cut, I repositioned the container so that the plant is now leaning against the wall - I hope that it won't topple over again as it now has the strong support of the wall.

It's still a bit top-heavy though.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Sweet 100: Day 127. Harvest Day!

Finally. Seriously. The big day has come! Some of the green cherry tomatoes have finally turned red and are ready for harvest!

I picked 5. They were fresh, juicy and delicious although they were not as sweet as I thought. This is the first time I have eaten cherry tomatoes freshly picked from the vine.

When I first planted the cherry tomatoes, I thought I would be eating the fruits in 2 months. Now, it took more than double of the time for the sweet 100 to mature. I waited, and waited, and waited. Finally the day has come!

I am happy that the day has finally come.