This is a sequel to my previous blog.
A picture a worth a thousand words. A video clip is worth millions. So, I decided to shoot one to prove how noisy and annoying Roadshow is, especially to morning commuters who desperately need a nap on the bus.
Quite a lot of people in Hong Kong took it to the street and participated in demonstration on 1st July every year. They did it to demand more democracy and respect for human rights from the
Human rights are not something intangible. I just want my most basic human rights back - I just need a quiet environment to take a nap on the bus!
I believe if we have enough people demanding the government to do something to stop Roadshow's inconsiderate and barbaric behavior, we will have our most basic human rights back.
We need a serious outcry to make this happen.
Stop Roadshow from torturing us any more! Join me!
Have you considered to use an in-ear headset?