I work in Central, and I commute to work by bus everyday.
The bus fare isn't low. It costs me $40 each day.
What kind of service would you expect when you pay so much to a bus company each day? A comfortable bus journey? I expected that too but what I actually got is - a noisy journey created by KMB's Roadshow. I am writing this one while being annoyed by this noisy and low-taste TV programs on the bus.
I once filed complaints about it by calling up KMB and writing to the Transport Department.
Calling KMB was completely useless. They said they would follow up on my complaint but they never called me back.
Writing to the Transport Department was an eye-opening experience. The experience taught me that you can do a crappy job while getting extreme well paid. The response below from TD reveals how the government's bureaucracy allows big enterprises like KMB to do whatever they want with HK citizens to gain unrealistic profits.
Roadshow continued to torture passengers like me with its no-content TV programs at the maximum volume after I received following letter from TD:
Dear YYYY,
[ Complaint about Audio-visual Broadcasting on KMB Buses ]
Further to my acknowledgement dated xxxxxxxx, I would like to inform you that we have received a substantive reply from the Transport Department (TD). I hereby convey it to you below. TD replied that they noted your concerns on the TV broadcasting system on buses. They have requested KMB to investigate into the buses so as to ensure the volume of the TV broadcasting system is close to the ambient noise level of a bus. To improve the situation, they have been working with bus companies to take the following improvement measures:
(a) to adjust the volume close to the ambient noise level of a bus;
(b) using a compressor to narrow the variations in pitch; and
(c) to designate a quiet zone at the back portion of the lower deck
and allowing only one speaker to be turned on at the lower deck. TD will also regularly conduct survey on buses to check the sound level of TV broadcasting system. They would continue to monitor the operation of the system and review with bus companies where appropriate.
Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.
Yours sincerely,
(Miss Ma Hiu-kwan)
for Executive Secretary
Transport Complaints Unit
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